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Herbal For World

الاعشاب العالمية


Dates– Ingle., Date– Ted., Dates– Fr, Fechas– Sp., Даты – Russ.

Dates (datiles) is the fruit of the date palm, told food desert always preferred, and is best given in times of famine. I have solved the problems of famine when the blessed tree was hit by violence in the country which God give her the date palm, and influenced by the beneficence of transgressing, being lots of hunger and death investigator.

Palm tree medium give approximately 40 km on average from dates each year, over 100 years, growing dates heavily, especially near water. And Palm is a symbol of peace, love and benevolence to others.

And he fed the Almighty Virgin Mary mother of Jesus peace be upon him of the blessed tree at a time when the most vulnerable and Ohm is one condition, which is when the lab our and birth preparedness at ladies, God gave him and Hun Sen. by solid trunk Palm, which is stronger, and make Ms. immaculate shake the trunk light even the flaking scoff dates moist side, to eat, to give good strength to complete the birth of the Prophet God Jesus peace be upon him, easily and without fatigue.

And the fruits of dates the first known modern scientific studies, they are potent cancer. So says Dr. (Jonathan Hartwell), one of the founders of the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, The singer, United States, which examined thousands of plants that are resistant to cancer or treatment, and has written a book on this theme (plants against cancer).

We have large farms of dates and also we process our dates before exporting to global markets

Our offer includes: (Dry Dates): it contains a relatively large degree of sugar, not eaten until fully dry, the most important types: Chus algndilet, albrtmoda,, walgrgoda.

semi dry: Dates Omari and Al ajlan j walsioi, is one of the most important dates the pressed dates.

Roteb Dates-Fresh Dates: hayan, daughter Aisha, mothers, quail, walzghlol, has eaten all moist except alzaghloul.

Mothers eat wet colors vary in General between yellow and red.


Country of Origin: Egypt

Drying of two types: Solar drying and industrial drying (available to us)




Filling inside the container: 20

Shipping date:

Send a sample:

Price: best price in the market (competitive price)

Quality Grade: we can meet all the needs at the behest of the client (similar to the sample sent to you)

The date of receipt of the goods: Based on the item agreed upon in the contract of sale.

Food Composition

Every 100 g of dates:

(40-72 mg phosphorus and 65-71 mg calcium) required for the formation of bones and teeth and nerve tissue (790) mg potassium needed for different cell physiology, so not recommended for use in patients with renal failure and chronic kidney disease (150) mg magnesium for voluntary muscles, and there is little magnesium element in many fruits.

The Bedouins believed to be living in the oases areas that produce cancers is due to consumption of large quantities of magnesium-rich dates.

Also contains (2-4) mg iron (0.9) milligrams sodium, 65 mg sulfur, 28 mg sodium, 3 mg of beta, as are vitamins a, d, b-complex.

Culinary uses.

Dates become full food value is high compared to regular foods that we eat.

It is important for digestion, and fighting a constipation, lowers high blood pressure one of the essential mineral salts play a big role in it, such as potassium, it reduces high Colustrol due to fit on the fiber. The sugar found in dates, most secure energy resources for a healthy body.

It has been found that the amount of dates has been comparable in nutritional value twice that of meat from value, and three times the thickness of the nutritional value. Where the protein is about 1.9% to 2%. Manufactured dates juices, jams, ice cream, and some food and beverage industry in order to gain regular sweet taste.

Medical Uses

The researcher said that the fruits of dates is a treatment for stomach cancer, uterus, abdomen, hardened liver and spleen, sores and bloody bloody cancer, tumors of the gums and mouth, Parotid gland, neck.


The Dates are stored in a cool, ventilated, poorly lit and dry place




Filling inside the container: depending on the quality and size of the container, for example.,

Shipping date:

Send a sample:

Price: best price in the market (competitive price)

Quality Grade: we can meet all the needs at the behest of the client (similar to the sample sent to you)

The date of receipt of the goods: Based on the item agreed upon in the contract of sale.

Food Composition

The sulfur compound allicin is produced when chewing the garlic in the mouth; it turns to allicin alliin, by the enzyme alliinase.

There are also other compounds of sulfur, such as ajoene, allyl sulfides and vinyldithiins.

Culinary uses.

Garlic is used in a lot of preparations, including sauces, meats, sausages, preserves

Medical Uses

To protect the risk of atherosclerosis.

To reduce high blood fats, triglycerides.

For the treatment of athlete’s foot, or Tania feet (skin disease).

Resistant to the occurrence of bronchitis.

To protect the body from heart attacks.

To reduce high blood pressure.

To reduce high cholesterol.

To prevent intermittent claudication in the legs.

Overcoming chronic inflammation.

Treatment of recurrent ear infections.

Treatment of acute and recurrent cases of influenza.

Skin fungus treatment.


The Garlic are stored in a cool, ventilated, poorly lit and dry place



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