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Herbal For World

الاعشاب العالمية




These plants are cultivated in Egypt and the user are the fruits. After the fruits lemon are dried either Sun or drying drying industry where our species and our customers desire according to the milling machines to turn the fruit to TBC.

Our offer includes: whole – peel tbc- peel crush – as well,  any cut according to the client demand and specification. 


Country of Origin: Egypt

Drying of two types: Solar drying and industrial drying (available to us)


Packing :-

  • bags of 15kg  for the lemon whole.

     bags of 25 kg  for the lemon TBC.

     bags of 20 kg  for the lemon peel crush. 



Filling inside the container: 20″ container load:

        500  bags of lemon whole  ( 7500 -kg).

        500  bags of lemon TBC  ( 12500 -kg)

        500  bags of lemon peel crush  ( 10000 -kg) 


Shipping date:

Send a sample:

Price: best price in the market (competitive price)

Quality Grade: we can meet all the needs at the behest of the client (similar to the sample sent to you)

The date of receipt of the goods: Based on the item agreed upon in the contract of sale.

 Key Components

lemon contain volatile oil (about 2.5 % of the peel), limonnene (up to 70 %).    α apinene. β -terpinene, citral; and coumarins, bioflavonoids, vitamin a, b1,b2, b3, and c (40-50 mg per 100 g of fruits) and mucilage.

despite its acid content, once digested, lemon has an alkaline effect within the body, making it useful in rheumatic condition where acidity is contributory factor. the volatile oil is anti-septic and anti-bacterial.

Culinary uses.

Lemon uses are all either fresh, or dry, or in the form of powder, and when you start using the dry parts of Lemon in cooking, and a teaspoon of powder equivalent to the fruit of the lemon.

Mixing both lemon and coconut milk appetizing dishes in India such as chicken dishes, seafood stew.

Medical Uses

Lemon is one of the most important and versatile natural medicines for home use.

 a familiar food as well as a remedy, it has a high vitamin c content that helps to improve resistance to infection, making it effective against colds and flu. it is taken as preventive for many conditions, including stomach infections, circulatory problems, and arteriosclerosis.

Lemon is also useful as a general tonic for many chronic illnesses, above all, it is a food that helps to maintain general good health.

Lemon is good for colds, flu and chest infections. it also acts as a tonic for the liver and pancreas, improves the appetite and helps to ease stomach acidity, ulcers, arthritis, gout, and rheumatism. as a gargle, lemon juice relieves vomiting, the sore throat, gingivitis, and canker sores. externally lemon juice can be applied directly to acne, athlete’s foot, chilblains, strings, ringworm, sunburn, and warts.


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